This article was published in the Sept. 28, 2017, Badger Beacon

Tournament directors know the importance of having scoresheets that are clearly filled out and, most importantly, accurate.

That’s why the Badger Region Score Program has a score-monitor program that is available for tournament directors to take advantage of during their events.
At a tournament director’s request, the Region can assign a Professional Scorer to oversee the athletes who will handle the scorebook responsibilities at a tournament. The Tournament Director should email Nancy Paulson, Badger Region Score Chair with their requested event details.

This Certified Professional Scorer would offer tips, make corrections and work with the table staff so that in future tournaments they will feel more confident and be more in tune to the importance of the scoresheet. The monitors work for a 4 to 6 hour shift and the Badger Region provides this service at no cost to the Tournament host.

For any adult that would like to be a Professional Scorer, there is a certification program that is available. If you are interested, please review the requirements that are posted on the Badger Region website:

As a brief overview, there is an online component as well as an in-person, on-court clinic that is required to be a Professional Scorer.

First time Provisional and Regional candidates are required to attend the In-Person Professional Scorer Clinic to complete the certification process. Current Provisional and Regional scorers must complete the On-Line component only. The On-Line component of certification must be completed each time an individual wishes to maintain or advance certification on an annual basis.

In-person, on-court training dates and locations are still being determined. They will be announced within the next month or two.

As a reminder to all athletes, coaches and directors, there is a slight difference in the scoresheet that was introduced in the 2015-16 club volleyball season and will continue to be used this season.

The new scoresheet requires the scorer to track the captain (since the libero can now be designated as a captain). In addition, the new scoresheet does not have to be signed by the coaches to make it official at the conclusion of the match.

For questions regarding scorekeeping, visit the Badger Region website, Officials, Scoring, or contact the Badger Region Scorer Chair Nancy Paulson at