Looking for a membership for the 2022-23 season? Click here. (If you have not already created a Sports Engine account, you will be prompted to do so before purchasing a membership right away. Click here to find out how to create a Sports Engine Account)

For ANY questions, please email membership@badgerarchive4.0ed61ed.netsolhost.com.



If you have never registered in the Badger Region of USA Volleyball, or any other region of USA Volleyball, you need to register as a new member. Be sure you know what membership you need BEFORE starting the application process.  Looking for a membership for the 2022-23 season? Click here. (If you have not already created a Sports Engine account, you will be prompted to do so before purchasing a membership right away.)


If you were previously registered in the Badger Region of USA Volleyball for any type of membership, you will need to log in to Sports Engine and renew or upgrade your membership. Starting in 2020-21 season: Parents who have multiple children in club volleyball should note that memberships will now be able to be linked with a single login/password. For a link to get your membership (or upgrade), click here

The Badger Region does not get involved in any contract situations or negotiations between a club and a player/family and/or coach.