Regarding full memberships

As a rule, the Badger Region will not refund membership purchases. Special cases of hardship and injury prior to using a full membership will be examined on a case-by-case basis. If a refund is going to be approved, credit card service fees will be applied. If time has passed since the purchase of the membership and a refund is granted, only a portion of the membership will be refunded.

Regarding partial memberships or tryout fees

Any refund after a membership has been used for a clinic, tryout, practice, tournament of High Performance tryout will not be refunded in full as a portion needs to remain intact for future insurance and membership claims

Disputing claims

If you feel your credit card has been charged twice in error, please contact or call 262-349-9785. Do NOT issue a disputed claim on your credit card. Any chargeback / disputed claim that comes back to the region will result in a suspension placed on the member’s account until the additional amount that the Region is charged (sometimes up to $50 per claim) is paid back, regardless if the money is refunded. A suspension prevents any participation in any capacity, and the club will be notified.