The first step to getting started with Badger Region is to determine whether you need one of our adult membership options or junior membership options.

Looking for a membership for the 2022-23 season? Click here. (If you have not already created a Sports Engine account, you will be prompted to do so before purchasing a membership right away.)

Junior Membership Options:
If you are high-school aged or younger, you need some type of junior membership to participate in Badger Region events and programming. We offer junior membership options ranging from tryout memberships to full memberships to summer memberships. We even offer a FREE youth membership for kids under the age of 8. Click here to read up on which junior membership is right for you. (Not all memberships are listed on the PDF, as the Region does do special memberships for certain leagues throughout the state of Wisconsin such as the Badger Region Youth Fall Volleyball League.)

Adult Memberships:
If you are out of high school and want to participate in Badger Region events, you will need to select one of our adult membership options. We offer an assortment of adult membership options ranging from one-event memberships to college-aged memberships to summer memberships to full membership. Click here to read up on which adult membership is right for you.

If you have ANY questions about which membership you should get, please email prior to registering. There are no refunds once a membership has been purchased.