The Badger Region Volleyball Association is seeking applications for the Independent Representative position to our Board of Directors. This is a newly-created volunteer position that will be appointed by the President and approved by the full Board of Directors, and is a one-year position from the date of appointment, with the option to be reappointed.

We are seeking an individual with Human Resources or Legal expertise who is willing to attend Board and Strategic Planning sessions, work and provide input on special projects, and advise board and staff on matters related to areas of expertise. No previous knowledge of volleyball is required.

Currently our board is comprised of elected individuals involved with the organization, whether they are officials, coaches, players – or all three. Everyone is very passionate about our organization and we have been holding sessions about board education to learn to function better as a board and an organization.

Badger Region is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Please submit the Board of Director Application, found below. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.