Badger Region announces partnership with sportsmanship-focused organization Won80

Monday, November 28th, 2022

The Badger Region is excited to announce its partnership with Won80, an organization dedicated to sportsmanship and the role it plays in athletics and character development.

As a benefit to members (clubs, parents, fans, officials and athletes), the Badger Region will work to coordinate Won80 with clubs who are interested in receiving a free sportsmanship presentation from founder Mark Horbinski, a longtime teacher, coach and official in Wisconsin for over 30 years.

Horbinski’s grassroots movement called Won80 is on a mission to lead a return to sportsmanship through awareness, education and inspiration. His presentations encourage participants to focus on their own behaviors and action that will in turn allow everyone to positively impact teammates, teams and communities alike.

“I’m very excited about what could come out of this serendipitous meeting with Mark from Won80,” said Badger Region Executive Director Jennifer Armson-Dyer. “From our discussions, we share the same vision about the positive environments that athletes, coaches and officials thrive in and the damage that a negative environment can have in so many different ways. Sportsmanship and creating positive and safe environments for participants – many of whom are children – to succeed in, is the foundation of the mission of Badger Region, and our partnership with Won80 puts the words into action.

Won8-‘s sportsmanship summits (many of which are about 60 minutes in length) are hands-on, high energy and engaging. They also contain relevant topics that coincide with thought-provoking and empowering messages. Horbinski also is able to work with clubs to collaborate and customize his presentations for specifics groups.

“We’re currently working on plans to be able to share information and action items to those who are interested, and also reach those who need it the most but maybe don’t know it or acknowledge it,” Armson-Dyer said.

The Badger Region Board of Directors has set aside funds to allow a handful of clubs to experience a sportsmanship summit put on by Won80 during the 2022-23 season. The Region also hopes to host a virtual Lunch & Learn for families who would like to participate in the program. A modified in-person option is also being planned for the weekends of the Badger Region Championships for parents and families.

Won80 Testimonials

“The message Mark brought to our parents, student athletes and coaches was a deep dive into seeing the big picture of high school sports.” Brett Stoulsand ~ Barenveld School Disctrict Administrator

“Mark created a high-energy program that engaged the students and brought the students’ voice to the discussion of sportmanship.” Aaron May ~ Waunakee High School Athletic Director

“It is clear that he has great passion for kids and for creating an environment that is both healthy and energetic.” Ryan McGinnis ~ Kimberly High School Athletic Director

Other forms of sportsmanship

The Badger Region is putting an increased emphasis on sportsmanship this season. Not only are we going back to shaking hands before and after matches, but we are also brining back the ESP (Enthusiastic, Supportive, Positive) program, the Caught Doing Good feature and a new partnership with Won80.

